Extended Floating Action Button (FAB)

A floating action button (FAB) provides a quick and prominent way to trigger a primary action. While Jetpack Compose offers a standard FloatingActionButton, in this blog, we’ll explore how to create an extended version of the FAB using built-in ExtendedFloatingActionButton function.

Extended FABs are the most visually important button. It can have both icon and text at the same time or a single icon or single text as well. These can be more effective when an icon alone looks ambiguous.

Extended FABs have the same height as simple FABs. Let’s take examples:

Extended FAB

ExtendedFloatingActionButton function takes many parameters but only two are compulsory: onClick and content.

ExtendedFloatingActionButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ },) {
            IconButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
                Icon(imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Edit, 
                            contentDescription = null)
image showing extended floating action button (FAB)
ExtendedFloatingActionButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
            IconButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
                    imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Edit,
                    contentDescription = null
            Text(text = "Compose")
extended floating action button with text and icon
ExtendedFloatingActionButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
            Text(text = "Compose")
extended floating action button with only text

Customize Extended FAB

It has many parameters to style the extended FAB. Let’s see them one by one:

1. Shape

It defines the shape of FAB’s container

            onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
            shape = CircleShape
            onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
            shape = RectangleShape
circle shape extended FAB
Circle Shape
rectangle shape extended FAB
Rectangle Shape

2. Container Color

This color is used for the background of the floating action button.

            onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
            containerColor = Color.Yellow
extended fab with container color as yellow

3. Content Color

This colour defines the color of the content inside the extended FAB.

            onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
            containerColor = Color.Yellow,
            contentColor = Color.Magenta
image showing extended fab with content color as magenta and container color as yellow

4. Elevation

It is used to resolve the elevation for this FAB in different states. This controls the size of the shadow below the FAB.

            onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
            elevation = FloatingActionButtonDefaults.elevation(16.dp)
extended fab with text and icon
without elevation
extended fab with an elevation of 16 dp
with an elevation of 16 dp
extended fab with an elevation of 64 dp
with an elevation of 64 dp

Note: There are two ExtendedFloatingActionButton function in the jetpack compose. You can see both functions on the Android developer website. Links are given below:

  1. Link for the function that we have discussed above
  2. Link for the function that we are going to discuss below

Let’s take an example of extended FAB with our second function:

It has three compulsory parameters:

  1. text – It is of type composable that describes FAB with text.
  2. icon – This is of type composable as well and gives an icon to FAB.
  3. onClick -This parameter is a lambda that triggers when extended FAB is clicked.
            text = { Text(text = "Compose") },
            icon = {
                    imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Edit,
                    contentDescription = null
            onClick = { /*TODO*/ }
extended floating action button

The second ExtendedFloatingActionButton function has a new parameter named expanded of type boolean and it also has a default value set to true. This expanded parameter controls the expansion state of extended FAB. In an expanded state, the FAB will show both the icon and text. In a collapsed state, the FAB will show only the icon.

Let’s take an example:

var myFABState by remember {
            text = { Text(text = "Compose") },
            icon = {
                    imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Edit,
                    contentDescription = null
            onClick = { myFABState = !myFABState },
            expanded = myFABState
gif showing animated extended floating action button

In the example above, firstly, we create a variable named myFABState of type boolean and set its value to false. Then we set this variable as a value to the expanded parameter of ExtendedFloatingActionButton and in the onClick lambda we reverse the value of myFABState so that when the user clicks the button it changes the value of myFABState to the opposite of itself. (If it is true then the value will be false or vice-versa.)

Some Useful links


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Happy Coding 🙂

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